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The Power of Sehri Ki Dua: Blessings Before Fasting

As the holiest month in Islam, Ramadan holds immense significance for Muslims worldwide. Observing fasts from dawn till dusk during this month is one of the five pillars of Islam. However, the practice of fasting in Ramadan goes beyond abstaining from food and drink; it is a spiritual journey that allows Muslims to connect with their faith on a deeper level. One crucial aspect of Ramadan is the pre-dawn meal, known as Sehri. This meal is consumed before the fast begins at Suhoor, and alongside it is the practice of reciting the Sehri ki Dua, a special supplication made before starting the fast. In this article, we will explore the significance of Sehri ki Dua, its importance in Ramadan, and the blessings it brings to those who recite it.

Importance of Sehri ki Dua

Sehri is a vital part of fasting in Ramadan, as it provides sustenance to help individuals endure the fast throughout the day. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of Sehri by stating, “Partake in the pre-dawn meal, for indeed, there is a blessing in it.” (Bukhari and Muslim) Therefore, Sehri is not just a meal to satisfy hunger but a Sunnah that holds spiritual benefits for those who observe it.

Reciting the Sehri ki Dua before starting the fast is a practice that has been encouraged by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The significance of this supplication lies in seeking Allah’s blessings for the fast ahead, asking for strength, sustenance, and protection throughout the day. By uttering this prayer, Muslims acknowledge their dependence on Allah and seek His assistance in fulfilling this act of worship.

The Power of Sehri ki Dua

The act of reciting the Sehri ki Dua carries a profound spiritual significance. It serves as a reminder of the purpose behind fasting in Ramadan, which is to attain taqwa (God-consciousness) and seek closeness to Allah. By starting the day with this supplication, individuals set the intention to fast sincerely for the sake of Allah and seek His mercy and guidance in their endeavors.

Moreover, reciting the Sehri ki Dua instills a sense of discipline and mindfulness in individuals. It serves as a moment of reflection before the fast commences, reminding them of the importance of self-control, gratitude, and patience throughout the day. By uttering these words, Muslims affirm their commitment to fulfilling this act of worship with sincerity and devotion, seeking Allah’s pleasure above all else.

Blessings of Reciting Sehri ki Dua

The act of reciting the Sehri ki Dua is believed to bring numerous blessings to those who engage in this practice. Some of the blessings associated with reciting this supplication include:

1. Seeking Protection: By reciting the Sehri ki Dua, individuals seek Allah’s protection from harm, evil, and temptation during the day. This act of seeking refuge in Allah reinforces their faith and trust in His divine guidance and protection.

2. Seeking Sustenance: The Sehri ki Dua includes a prayer for sustenance and strength to endure the fast. By asking Allah for nourishment and energy, individuals acknowledge their reliance on Him for their well-being and sustenance.

3. Seeking Forgiveness: In the Sehri ki Dua, Muslims seek forgiveness for their sins and shortcomings. By asking Allah for pardon and mercy, they strive to purify their hearts and souls, seeking to cleanse themselves of past transgressions.

4. Seeking Blessings: By reciting this supplication, individuals seek Allah’s blessings for themselves and their loved ones. They ask for prosperity, happiness, and guidance in all their endeavors, seeking Allah’s favor and mercy upon them.

How to Recite Sehri ki Dua

The Sehri ki Dua is a simple yet powerful supplication that can be recited by all Muslims before beginning their fast. The following is the text of the Sehri ki Dua in Arabic, transliteration, and English translation:

بِسْمِ اللهِ الصَّلَاتُ وَالسَّلَامُ عَلَى رَسُوْلِ اللهِ، اللّهُمَّ إِنِّي نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ سُنَّةِ رَمَضَان

Bismillahi, was-salatu was-salamu ‘ala Rasulillah, Allahumma inni nawaytu sawma sunnati Ramadan

In the name of Allah, peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, I intend to observe the fast of Ramadan as per the Sunnah

To recite the Sehri ki Dua, one should make the intention in their heart to fast for the sake of Allah and then recite the supplication before commencing the fast at Sehri. By uttering these words with sincerity and devotion, individuals seek Allah’s blessings and protection for the day ahead, striving to fulfill this act of worship with sincerity and faith.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the significance of Sehri in Ramadan?
A1. Sehri is the pre-dawn meal consumed before the fast begins at Suhoor. It is considered a Sunnah and holds spiritual significance as it provides nourishment and sustenance to individuals fasting in Ramadan.

Q2. Why is reciting the Sehri ki Dua important?
A2. Reciting the Sehri ki Dua is important as it seeks Allah’s blessings, protection, and sustenance for the fast ahead. It serves as a spiritual practice that helps individuals set the intention and seek Allah’s assistance in fulfilling the fast.

Q3. What are the benefits of reciting the Sehri ki Dua?
A3. Some benefits of reciting the Sehri ki Dua include seeking protection, sustenance, forgiveness, and blessings from Allah. It serves as a means of invoking Allah’s mercy and guidance throughout the day.

Q4. When should the Sehri ki Dua be recited?
A4. The Sehri ki Dua should be recited before starting the fast at Sehri. It is recommended to make the intention to fast, recite the supplication, and then begin the fast with the pre-dawn meal.

Q5. Can the Sehri ki Dua be recited in any language?
A5. While the preferred method is to recite the Sehri ki Dua in Arabic, individuals who are not well-versed in Arabic can also recite the supplication in their native language to seek Allah’s blessings and protection before fasting.

In conclusion, the practice of reciting the Sehri ki Dua holds immense spiritual significance for Muslims observing fasts in Ramadan. By seeking Allah’s blessings, protection, and sustenance before starting the fast, individuals reaffirm their commitment to this act of worship and strive to attain taqwa and closeness to Allah throughout the holy month. May the recitation of the Sehri ki Dua bring peace, blessings, and divine mercy to all those who engage in this auspicious practice during Ramadan.

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